Abstract Submission Now Closed
Abstracts for poster or oral presentation in all areas of microbiological and chemical food safety are currently being accepted.
Please note that sessions titles are a general guideline for abstract submission and may change based on the quantity of abstracts submitted on a given subject. More details on the session topics can be found at http://foodsafety2019.com/programme-overview/
Important Information for Authors
- If you are submitting more than one abstract you must use the same login for each abstract.
- The maximum length of an abstract is 250 words. Please ensure that research findings are described to a level sufficient for reviewers to make an informed decision on scientific quality. Abstracts that fail to meet these criteria will be rejected.
- You can alter your abstract at any time up to the submission deadline of 8 April 2019 – after this date, changes will not be possible.
- Each author may present a maximum of one oral and one poster presentation at the Conference.
- Please note that at least one author must register in full to attend and present the abstract at the Conference.
Before you submit your abstract, please download and read the following instruction document: FSAI Science Conference 2019 Instructions for Authors.
All abstracts will go through a blind peer-review carried out by reviewers selected by the Scientific Committee.
Please note that notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the submitter only
Presentation Type
An abstract can be submitted for presentation at the Conference as one of the following:
- Oral
- Poster
- Either Poster or Oral
A certain number of submitted abstracts will be selected for a Lightning Talk (5 minutes) where selected presenters will be given the opportunity to present their research using 3-5 slides.
Poster Format
Please follow the poster printing instructions:
- Each poster must be printed in A0 portrait format (at the cost of the author).
- Maximum acceptable poster dimensions: 1189 mm high × 841 mm wide
- Any poster printed in landscape or larger than the provided board for display may not be displayed at the symposium.
- Posters printed on canvas or heavy material are not recommended. The materials often prove too heavy to attach to poster boards.
- Pins cannot be used on the provided poster boards. Only Velcro strips are permitted.
- Removal and collection of posters at the end of the display period remains the responsibility of the presenter. Posters not removed by the indicated take down time will be removed and disposed of
At the review stage, the Scientific Committee may change the presentation type submitted by the author to ensure the continuity of the conference programme i.e. oral presentation may be changed to poster presentation OR poster presentation to oral presentation. The Presenting Author will be informed of any change to their submitted presentation type at the acceptance notification stage.